dr. jillian murphy naturopath

Hey! I’m Jill and I write a fresh & funny (imho💅) newsletter on how to feel your best while having way too much fun.

I’m also the evil genius behind The Healthy-ish Method and programs (including: the 3-week Healthy-ish Reset and Healthy-ish Life 1:1 Deep Dive) and it’s my mission to completely blow up the conversation around health so you can say f^&ck it to all the rules you’ve been told and start writing your own health story.

Because you can love fries and broccoli sprouts, move for fun (not to cancel out a wee bit of 🎂🍕🍷), manage any health concerns that pop up, like the way you look in jeans, and create a life that brings you joy!

Bottom line. I’m tired of choosing between feeling good and having fun and I bet you are too.


My newsletter comes fully equipped with everything you need to ditch diet culture while embracing the best that wellness has to offer… but that’s not all! My Healthy-ish newsletter’s also chock full of:

  • a thorough break down of the best and worst health advice from GOOP

  • what to pack for a 2 month tour of Europe where you eat everything in sight and feel like a glowy radiant ball of joy

  • the best yoga pants around (you know, the ones that don’t roll down your waist every time you take a step)

  • unbridled enthusiasm for the Christmas holidays

  • witchy, woo-woo things like: feng shui for abundance and health, sage-ing the shit out of your house, and micro-dosing mushrooms to get outta that funk

  • zero ambition to be thinnest girl on the block and all the air high-fives for being the most stylish and funny

  • an unwavering comittment to the truth that salad + fries + a cold glass of Sauv blanc is the ultimate meal


  • winter-long cold plunges in lake Ontario

  • unpopular opinions about eating fish

  • the supplements you MUST have on hand AT ALL TIMES!!! by the time you turn 36

  • new ideas about how to manage everything from diabetes to food sensitivities to high blood pressure without becoming a boring old boot

If that sounds like your glass of Moët, make sure to subscribe below and we can make our brand new, life-long, friendship official.

    Jillian’s Educational & Work Background

    Dr. Jillian Murphy is a registered, licensed Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine, having completed the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine’s four-year postgraduate program in 2006. Prior to attending CCNM, Dr. Murphy graduated from the University of New Brunswick with a Bachelor’s degree in Science and Kinesiology.

    Jillian’s background includes 10 years of general naturopathic practice along with over 15 years of working in various fields, including disordered eating, intuitive eating and body image - with additional training in CBT and coaching.. She’s taught college, worked privately, been a member of integrative clinics, and speaks to groups all over the province about health, weight-stigma, and body imager issues for all ages.

    Jillian has dedicated the past 10 years to studying the psychology of eating, the relationship between weight and health, intuitive eating, and the most in-the-know strategies for exiting the diet cycle. She is currently an associate, trained under Ellyn Satter (THE go-to authority for competent eating) to further her expertise. Jillian works from a Health At Every Size (HAES) perspective in her Healthy-ish work and also as the naturopath for The Kyla Fox Eating Disorder Recovery Centre.

    Jillian loves to stay busy! In addition to her practice, she maintains an active lifestyle that includes: dance, jogging, walking, biking, cold water swimming and yoga. She’s an active member of the downtown Kingston community and a board member for The Kingston School of Dance.